Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Columbine Archbishop Charles Chaput Still Speaks the NRA/GOP Party Line on Guns and Violence

I may consider myself as a Progressive but people like Charlie Chaput, current seat holder, seat warmer, at the Cathedral over in Logan Circle but I am not a "godless progressive" as so many of Charlie's supporting crowd would label me. I care more about people than gun sales. 

Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Denver, including Columbine Colorado, at the time of that massacre of innocent American life in 1999, is still in his "moral" comfort zone stating with such Trump like PRIDE and total lack of Christian empathy that: 

"only a fool can believe that 'gun control' will solve the problem of mass violence"

The so-called "moral agents with twisted hearts" as Charlie polly parrots to gun supporters of gun violence are meal ticket for life religious parasites like Charlie Chaput. 

My sympathies to the Catholics in Philly stuck with this moral numbnut.

May the terrorist victims in El Paso and Dayton try to rest in peace. 


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