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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trolley Party From Harrowgate to Belmont Mansion - September 1895

Leslie's Illustrated Weekly - 25 July 1895

THE people of Philadelphia are now in the throes of a “trolley” excitement which is peculiar to that city. It takes the form of long evening rides to the suburbs, where, in various resorts, they regale themselves according to need and inclination. Usually parties of friends (or it may be a regular social club or lodge) make necessary arrangements with the trolley companies, and at the appointed rendezvous board the handsomely-appointed and extravagantly illuminated parade cars and proceed to the destination selected. Some of the outings take on the character of masquerade, which, with the bands of music, afford considerable entertainment and amusement to the residents and sight seers who throng the thoroughfares over which the excursionists pass. In many places Chinese lanterns and bunting exist in lending a carnival aspect to the occasion. On one route as many as seventy or eighty parties are out every evening.

The cost of these trips is inconsiderable. While the charge varies according to route, ten dollars per car per night is about the average. This makes the expense per capita very light. The craze commenced last summer, but bids fair to reach greater proportions this year than ever before.

Inquirer 22 September 1895

A successful trolley party left the residence of Charles B. Medford, Harrowgate, Tuesday evening, for Belmont. Refreshments were served at Belmont Mansion, and a flashlight photograph of the party was taken. A quartet from Frankford discoursed delightful music.

Those in the party were:

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Medford. Misses Laura Medford, Emma Groff, Lew Bryant, Naomi Brett, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Latimer, Mrs. Walter Scott, Miss Sadie Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott. Jr., Mrs. Edward Swartz, William Medford, William Douglass, Horace Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, Harry Scott, Mr. Wells, Miss Laura Swartz, Miss Jackson, Matthew Faunce, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Seitter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Seitter, Miss E. Hartley, Mr. Apple and others.

One time residence of 
local butcher and meat packer
Charles B. Medford
3527 Kensington Avenue 
(2008 Google Image)


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