Chas. R Hoyt - Pennsylvania Historical Review 1886

Chas. R. Hoyt, Practical Hatter. No. 3808 Market Street—One of the most conspicuous stores on Market Street. West Philadelphia, is that known by the sign of the Big Red Hat. which is carried on by Mr. Chas. R. Hoyt. a young Philadelphian of enterprise. energy and business ability of the highest order. Mr. Hoyt is a practical hat manufacturer. and was brought up in the business. under the careful tuition of John B. Stetson. who carried on the largest fine hat factory in Philadelphia. Mr. Chas. R. Hoyt is the only hat manufacturer in West Philadelphia and those who desire the correct style will find that he can fit you out to your entire satisfaction. He is a young man that fully understands how to select a hat that is becoming and at the same time give you the latest style and fashion in vogue. He is a first class workman and buying his hats in the rough, direct from his father. who carries on a large hat factory at No. 414 Dillwyn Street, he knows the quality of the hat he sells. and as he finishes and curls his own hats he thereby saves the cost of the manufacture. which he puts into the quality of the hat. saving the purchaser over twenty-five per cent. He has a handsomely arranged store fitted up in neat style and keeps a large and varied assortment of all the latest designs in New York. London and Philadelphia fashions in silk, stiff and soft hats; he also has a fine assortment of caps of every description. from the lowest to the finest railroad caps for fire-men and engineers and conductors, travellers’ caps of the latest pattern. and. in short. all the leading novelties in the cap line. Mr. Hoyt. whose portrait appears at the head of this article, is the leader of fashion in gentlemen‘s hats. He. has a large acquaintance among the young men of West Philadelphia. who admire him as a reliable and upright business man. and a genial gentleman. indefatigable in his exertions to please them and keep them posted on the new styles. A trial will convince the most skeptical that his motto is to please. and money is refunded or goods cheerfully exchanged if not entirely satisfactory.
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