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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Perishable Products Terminal - Columbus Blvd (Delaware Ave) and Weccacoe Ave and Jackson and Ritner Streets - Inquirer 30 Oct 1926


Lower picture shows the new freight plant between Delaware and Weccacoe avenues and Jackson and Ritner streets, to be operated jointly by the Baltimore and Ohio and the Reading Railroad for the handling of fruit and vegetables and meat shipments. It was opened officially by the three officials shown in inset, they being, from left to right: E.D. Hillary, vice president Reading Railway Company; Hubert J. Horan, president of the Commercial Exchange, and Archibald Frees, vice president of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Only one unit of the plant, which is designed for the modern handling of all food shipments over both railroads, is completed, the unit seen under construction being designed for a cold storage warehouse and private sales building. The completed section contains the auction sales building, of reinforced concrete, 1000 feet long and 90 wide, and three tracks serve it, permitting the handling of seventy-two cars at one time. The team delivery yard adjoins it, while on the second floor are two large auction rooms, with an amphitheatre effect.


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