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Thursday, July 30, 2020

J. K. Emmet in "Fritz In A Mad House" - People's Theatre, Kensington Ave and Cumberland St. - Inquirer 14 Oct 1894

Manager Bradenburgh, whose greatest ambition is to give the patrons of the popular People's Theatre the highest class and best attractions at popular prices, offers a most delightful bill for this week, when J. K. Emmet, assisted by lovely little children and a company of players of exceptional ability, will present the latest, funniest and best of his plays, "Fritz in a Mad House."

The name of Emmet is a sufficient guarantee of the most delightful entertainment and need no further comment. All that could be said in praise of him has been said, many times before. Who has not heard the sweet songs or been made happy by his quaint German humor and his bright magnetic personality? Those who have not should take advantage of the present opportunity, for they will find that there has beeh a little more sunshihe and pleasure brought into their hearts and memories by "Fritz" Emmet's tender songs and inimitable comedy. The play is at all times enjoyable and presents "Fritz" in new adventures and brim full of amusing and ludicrous situations. The third act, when Fritz imagines he is a lunatic asylum, uproariously funny from beginning to end. Mr. Emmet sing many charming songs, one of which is the "Bubble Song", to which he produces some wonderful affects with the bubbles which the little tot "Schneider" blows while Emmet sings. The company is excellent, every member of the cast being entitled special commendation.

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