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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Frankford Mill Girls Encourage Surly Boss To Quit - The National Police Gazette 16 Nov 1901

The mill girls of Frankford, Pa,, are noted not only for their good looks, but for their pugnacity. They have both to burn, and this latest story about them concerns a haughty superintendent with a black beard. They don't object to whiskers or haughtiness separate, but when they are combined the limit is reached. Every time the bewhiskered monarch walked through the work-rooms he was told by voices that seemed to come from the machines that he had better quit. They didn't bother him very much, however, until they began throwing things at him. One day a spindle struck him in the back and then he made a speech in which he called them names.. The next morning the girls knotted a rope and tried to hang him, hut they couldn't get the noose around his neck, so they literally beat him out of the room with spindles. And then he resigned. 


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