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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Chocolate Jimmies vs. Rainbow Sprinkles - Philly Semantics

Apparently the long term memories of some people in Philly is lodged on the misperception that "chocolate jimmies" sprinkles are what they called rainbow sprinkles as kids. 

Inquirer 17 Nov 1950

Jimmies are primarily used on ice cream. Sprinkles on cupcakes. Along the time line I blame the summertime ice cream truck Mister Softee franchise who used to give customers rainbow sprinkles when they asked for jimmies. As far as I can determine, the company that invented Peeps Chicks in Bethlehem, Pa lays claim to having invented Chocolate Jimmies in the 1930s. That the confusion comes later after WWII and the spread of ice cream truck smorgasbord items a la carte. As for the PC police trying to ban the use of the Term of Chocolate Jimmies as racist, they can go stuff themselves. Sometimes chocolate is just chocolate. 


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